Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Doin' It Animal Style

People have always told me, and popular opinion suggests, that the San Diego Zoo is the best in the world. This sounded like hyperbole to me. How can one zoo be any better than the others? Sure, they could have some “special” animals that other zoos don’t have, but outside of, I don’t really care if some zoo has a rare albino bearcat or a two-headed snake. Essentially, all zoos have the same selection of lions and tigers and bears – oh my!!

That being said, the San Diego Zoo is the best zoo in the world. This is based on my ever so expansive travels to zoos around the world including the Barcelona Zoo (with an albino gorilla), the Bangkok Zoo (mainly full of prostitutes) and the exotic SF Zoo. What made the zoo different was not necessarily the animals it contained – although it does have one of the few Giant Pandas in captivity and a wild pig that is technically extinct except for the two living at the San Diego Zoo.
The best part of the zoo, something that complemented the animals living there, was the botanical forest that was landscaped around the exhibits. This garden contained tropical plants from almost every continent on earth (obviously not Antarctica) and included a plant from the Jurassic era that is the oldest living plant on earth. In fact, Dr. Suess used to come to the zoo on a regular basis to sketch the wide array of plants for his books.

While we didn’t get the excitement of a tiger attack (see SF zoo mayhem here), but we had a fun time nonetheless. The pictures speak for themselves as for the beauty and variety of animals. Enjoy!

San Diego Zoo Pictures

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